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Saturday, November 11, 2023 1:31 PM

Thanks to supporters

My thanks to everyone who supported my reelection to Oberlin City Council. I will work hard to justify the trust that voters have again placed in me. 

Saturday, November 4, 2023 11:07 AM

Endorsement published

Endorsement letter from Sondra Miller, published October 31 in the Chronicle Telegram 

I endorse Ray English for reelection to Oberlin City Council. He is one of Oberlin's greatest assets. In working with him on several committees, I found him to be empathetic to the needs of everyone. He is principled in the manner in which he works to find reasonable solutions. Ray English is a champion working for the best outcomes for all Oberlinians. Sondra Miller, Oberlin

Thursday, October 26, 2023 7:52 AM

Ray's letter opposing Issue 20 published October 26 in the Chronicle Telegram

Voters should reject changes to county government.

I have followed with interest Chronicle Telegram stories and letters to the editor regarding Issue 20, which would create a seven-district system of county commissioners to be elected separately from each district. I have been especially pleased to see bipartisan opposition to this plan.  Many commentators, including Republican Commissioner Michelle Hung, have noted that the plan would cost taxpayers more.  Others have noted that the plan would allow, though not guarantee, unprecedented changes in the administration of our county.

Data distributed at the Lorain County Issues Forum on October 4 document the party preferences of voters in each of the seven proposed districts.  Voters should understand that two of the seven districts would be heavily Republican and two heavily Democratic.  That means that Republican voters in the heavily Democratic districts in Elyria and Lorain would likely never have an opportunity to be represented by a Republican commissioner.  Likewise, Democrats in the two heavily Republican districts would likely never be represented by a Democrat.

Our current system of three at-large commissioners allows all Lorain County voters to voice their desire for change when one of the parties is not performing in ways that a majority of voters desire.  It’s a fair system that gives every voter a say in the overall direction of the county.

I urge all voters, whether Republican, Democratic, or independent to vote No on Issue 20.

Ray English, Oberlin

Ray English is a member of Oberlin City Council

Saturday, October 21, 2023 4:31 PM

Endorsement published

Kevin Weidenbaum's letter to the editor endorsing Ray's candidacy was published in the Chronicle Telegram today. 

For the good of Oberlin, keep English on City Council

At the upcoming election, Oberlin voters will have the opportunity to re-elect an outstanding council member. I write of Ray English, who has devoted time and effort to causes that are important in Oberlin and the nation. English has worked for sustainable development and also for providing more affordable housing in Oberlin. He has been very active in Oberlin’s comprehensive planning process, serving as chair of the plan’s steering committee. He is also been an active member of the Social Equity Working Group. At the national level, he has spoken to congresspeople as a member of the Citizens Climate Lobby. He has shown himself to be a hard-working and well-informed member of the council throughout his previous two terms. I urge you to cast your vote for English for the sake of our city’s welfare. Kevin Weidenbaum, Oberlin

Tuesday, October 17, 2023 1:22 PM

Endorsement Published

John Sabin's letter endorsing Ray's candidacy was published in the Chronicle-Telegram today. 


I have known Oberlin City Councilman Ray English for decades as a friend and as a fellow volunteer in a climate advocacy organization.  In his volunteer work, English serves in a statewide leadership position.  He has distinguished himself in this role by his thoughtful and respectful manner.  He devotes himself to finding common ground with people who think differently from himself.  I know him as a person who is compassionate and willing to do what it takes to create good outcomes for his community.  I recommend English for another term on Council.  John Sabin, Oberlin  


Friday, October 13, 2023 9:48 AM

Endorsement Published

Ralph Thompson's letter to the editor endorsing Ray's candidacy was published in the Chronicle Telegram today. 


I’m voting again for Ray English for Oberlin City Council.  I’ve worked with English for several years on various City and community endeavors.  He’s committed to fairness and justice.  He works passionately for important causes.  Every person’s voice is important to English, and once he’s listened and understands, he has the ability and skill to enable diverse groups of people to successfully work together for the common good.  Ralph Thompson, Oberlin

Saturday, September 23, 2023 12:20 PM

Ray's letter to the editors of the Oberlin Review about housing in Oberlin

Ray's September 22, 2023 letter to the editors of the Oberlin Review:

It was good to read The Review’s September 15 editorial entitled “Off-Campus Housing Negatively Impacts City Community.”  The editorial correctly points out that off campus student housing contributes to issues of housing affordability in the community.  Landlords know they can often make more money renting to students rather than to single families. That reduces the supply of affordable rental homes. 

There are, at the same time, other issues that contribute to housing problems in town.  For one, there are numerous unoccupied homes in Oberlin that are available only for short-term rentals using Airbnb.  That takes off the market what would otherwise be suitable starter homes – or affordable rental homes – for working families. 

The biggest problem, however, is that Oberlin simply does have enough housing. That’s true at all levels.  We need more affordable homes for working families to both own and rent, we need more housing for seniors, and we need more housing for faculty and staff who want to live in town. 

I’m pleased that the city is beginning to make some progress on these issues.  In terms of affordable housing, City Council has authorized the transfer of several lots to a housing developer who will use federal and state subsidies to create rent-to-own homes for moderate to lower income families.  In addition, the city has transferred lots to the Oberlin Community Land Trust that will lead to construction of two affordable homes that will follow a land trust model where the occupant owns the home, but the trust owns and leases out the land on which it sits. 

I’m especially pleased that surveys of the community for the city’s comprehensive planning and social equity planning processes indicate very clearly that the community wants more housing of all kinds.  Our challenge will be to make that happen in ways that are smart and sustainable, ensuring that people at all income levels who want to reside in Oberlin can live comfortably in our town.

Ray English

Emeritus Director of Libraries

Member of Oberlin City Council

The online version of this letter is available here:

Paid for by Committee to Elect Ray English
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